Monday, March 31, 2025

Earn From Your PC

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Earning Cash From Your PC Guide

There are lots of ways to get paid while you are online

In your spare time you can work at home and make money from your computer, however there are a lot of scam sites who will just waste your time or ask you for money just to join up. We decided to put together this page to show how you can earn money from your computer without paying anything out, maybe not to become a millionaire or thousands and thousands every week but certainly a bit extra, and every bit helps right!, I’ve been online since around 1996 and tried many of the ways you can make money, seen many scams and tricks but there’s a few good sites out there that pay regular. Below I have only added sites that have actually paid me so I know they are genuine.

Paid For Surveys – Earn Cash For Surveys – No Joining Fees

Ciao – Companies are genuinely interested in your responses to market research

Get reviewing get paid!

Participate In Paid Online Surveys (You get £1 just for registering through the banner above)
Ciao’s online surveys are a great way of expressing your opinion, influencing the manufacturers, and contributing to the development of new products…and you’ll earn money as you do so! For every survey you complete, they will credit your Ciao account with up to £10 , and you could also win one of a wide range of prizes on offer in their regular competitions. The surveys never take long and are usually a lot of fun. Even better if your give a review on a product by video they currently pay £10 per video!!!

quick cash for questions

Referral’s Email Address:

Get £1 just for registering for an account. The You Gov Site has been around since 2001 and the results are often quoted in newspapers, or on the news as public opinion ( for example; The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times and Sky News) . “We are able to offer cash incentives to you for filling out polls. We notify you of surveys by email or we advertise prize or paid surveys on the site. For each poll completed we will credit your account with a sum of money or if you have won a prize-draw, we will send your prize in the post. This is usually between 50p and £1.” Although they were for just UK residents they now are also looking for people from USA and Middle East to Join Up and share there opinions. When Asked for a Referral’s Email Address: Please use Proceeds go towards paying for this Website.

Paid for Answering Questions

Get Rewarded For Writing Reviews (You get £1 just for registering through the banner above)
If you recommend a product or warn other users about a bad buying experience or service you have had? Ciao pay you for it. This has to be the best part of the site as the more reviews you write the more you earn, you help others earn by reading and rating there reviews on anything from, websites, software, diets, cars, games, food, employers, books, films, hotels, pubs, beers, hair products, the choices are endless sign-up for free now and get started!! I have had regular payout’s over the last year from Ciao very friendly company with a large community. They have a whole section on tips for writing reviews or have a read of other peoples to get the idea, once you have wrote your first review I bet you will enjoy getting the responses to it and watching your money go up. The premium fund is another way of receiving money; every month £1000 is divided out between the authors of the best reviews .I have earned the most from Ciao with the least effort/most enjoyment than any other online pay to service.

Get A Website and Get it Money From Adverts

Google Adsense has to be the best marketing invention in the last 5 years, do you have a website then put monitieze it with google. There is nothing better than get paid for doing a website you enjoy even if you only make a few pounds a month it might be enough to cover your hosting on the other end if your site has plenty of visitors and fresh interesting content you might have a good revenue stream just waiting for you – it couldn’t be simpler to set up, join and follow the prompts pop the code on your site and google will do the rest for you.


Make sure you have all the tools you need for your website Google has just released its free Pack of software which I would highly recommend downloading – you can pick and choose which software you would like, there’s everything from a quality photo editing program to spyware removal and antivirus. Have a look!

So you have the tools you have a website and you’ve added adsense. Get a paypal account so you can transfer money or more importantly receive money. Great if you want to try out auctions like ebay or sell services online!

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Recommendations and Tips

  • I would suggest setting up an email address especially for Surveys so the mails do not interfere with you daily email and you can keep everything together in one place. I use a Gmail account (Google’s webmail service) which works well. Feel free to get in touch if you would like an invite for Gmail. Others use Outlook or Outlook Express beacuse they can sort or filter emails in to folders its whatever suits you to make things easy.
  • If the email account you are using has a spam/junk email filter on it its worth just checking that none of the emails you want to receive have gone in there for the first while.


  • Create a paypal account if you don’t already have one it means that your payments can be transferred to you quickly and securely without any hassle on your part. Paypal is an easy way to keep track of your earnings. You can click here to create a pay pal account or the image above and feel free to read our FAQ page on paypal for further information.
  • Don’t expect earnings over night but it soon builds up. Although some people who have the time can earn more quickly by spending a lot of time each day writing reviews or answering surveys for most of us that’s not possible, so you could either set aside a little time each day to do the surveys . Obviously the more time you spend (especially with sites like my favorite Ciao) the more you will earn in return.

If you know of any other Genuine sites then please drop us a line we will check them out and add them here.

Disclaimer bit – I don’t work for any of these companies and for that reason can not guarantee them, This page is my own opinions and research of the services available in learning how to make money on the web. I will remove any from this page if they do not pay me or a problem arises, if its on here then I am still an active member or the service with no issues or problems.

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